The Outcomes Star for adults living with Autism and Aspergers

Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited

The Spectrum Star has been designed for adults of any age, to enable them to manage autism and help them make the choices that are right for them.

It was developed by Triangle in collaboration with accomplish (formerly known as Brookdale).

“It’s felt like a long time waiting for an outcomes measurement tool for autism. The Spectrum Star is collaborative, rather than something that is done to people. Plus it’s easy to understand. Clients have to be involved, even if guidance is sometimes needed. Notably, it meets what’s being asked for in the Autism Act and the NICE guidelines on autism. Services across the country will, I am sure, be taking a keen interest in the Spectrum Star. They need it.” Anya Ustaszewski, member of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Autism Clinical Guidelines Development Group


The Student Star has also been developed specifically for young people with additional needs, including autism, learning disabilities or behavioural needs, and for use in college or other supported work and learning environments.

The Spectrum Star covers nine key areas:

  1. Physical health
  2. Living skills & self care
  3. Well-being & self-esteem
  4. Sensory differences
  5. Communication
  6. Social skills
  7. Relationships
  8. Socially responsible behaviour
  9. Time and activities

The Spectrum Star is based on a five-stage Journey of Change:

  1. Red stage – autism is a major barrier
  2. Orange stage – accepting some support
  3. Yellow stage – stable
  4. Light Green stage – learning for yourself
  5. Dark Green stage – choice and self-reliance

Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.